The latest version of EssentialPIM Pro Portable U3 edition is now available for download. If you are upgrading it, please consider following.

Due to a missing feature in any versions prior to 1.91 your license key will not be preserved unless you follow the simple procedure:

  • Download FindKey application. Run it. Follow instructions (save your License Key into a safe place). This small application retrieves your EPIM Key and allows you to save it. Virus Free
  • Download EPIM U3 1.91. Install it. Run it
  • Insert your license key into 1.91 (Help -> Register menu)

If it does not work, email us at Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. quoting your email you used for buying EPIM Pro Portable. We will issue a license for you. Please note it may take several days.

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