AEPIM Development?

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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by norsea »

DanFelix wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:26 am MS email, desktop (365) and app (Android Outlook) now require the user to provide the password and user name so that MS can mirror the emails from the user account to a MS server, from which the MS email programs can sync. Until the New Outlook, all emails stayed on non-MS servers and only passed through the MS server.

On desktop, I use EPIM for email. On phone I use AquaMail and used to use Samsung email. All accounts received email with a MS address but none of the email reside at MS.

The AEPIM email will be great for many, but for me it would be redundant. I probably would not enable that module for AEPIM.
And this defeats the entire use of EPIM. The objective is to have EVERYTHING in one place so one does not have to do all the mix and matching, to say nothing of trying to get disparate software applications to work together; like syncing.

If I wanted to take this on I would not be using EPIM in the first place....gesssh!
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by DanFelix »

Understood. I have a different view. Tying all features together creates the chance of any one feature bringing all other features down should that one feature falter. Fortunately, EPIM let's me use only what I need. Its versatility is what we both like. Thanks.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by norsea »

DanFelix wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:44 am Understood. I have a different view. Tying all features together creates the chance of any one feature bringing all other features down should that one feature falter. Fortunately, EPIM let's me use only what I need. Its versatility is what we both like. Thanks.
An interesting point of view. I have been involved with computing since the mid 1970's. In all that time I have NEVER had a software program stop working; single point of failure. I have encountered many bugs over the years on many occasions. It led to me being asked to do lots of beta testing, which is ironic because that was one part of my first job in the industry. Software should never make it to the end user without adequate testing to ensure proper function.

I wish that hardware worked in a similar fashion; this is the area where single points of failure are catastrophe! Disk drives without battery backed memory are the classic case in point. But redundancy can be obtained at, a very significant cost. Software does not approach this in any way, shape or form.

Good on ya in whatever you choose to do...
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by norsea »

Where can we find /the roadmap for upgrades/updates?

It would be nice to know what is planed for the future, with a more than flexible timeline.

This too might well help with sales if people can see/understand where product development is going.

While the investment cost wise in EPIM is very modest, the work to complete the migration to it can be time consuming depending on how much of your existing data must be imported. It is always nice to know that there is a future for the products that one selects to make a business/life move forward.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by admin »

We don't publicly share a roadmap, as software development is a dynamic process where priorities may shift based on user feedback, market trends, and emerging technologies. Publishing a fixed roadmap could create expectations that might not align with evolving development needs. However, we always welcome feedback and strive to keep users informed about major updates and improvements.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by poet-man »

I totally confirm, what you write.
However, "keep users informed" not always is something that astonsoft puts priority in. Especially as to AEPIM. As to WinEPIM you reach that goal. But as to AEPIM users quite often are left alone with information.
Nobody really expects a fixed roadmap, but a little bit of information from time to time, makes it easier to decide, how to act on users side.
Honestly, for users it is important, to know at least "something" ... not to know anything is very frustrating and pushes people to other solutions.
So maybe, development ressources are very little from time to time. To tell people what are the reasons for delays is much better, than to leave everything to speculation.
... my opinion
Everything I mention comes out of my experience. I'm not an expert. Feel free to try anything I suggest ... but always at your own risk.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by norsea »

admin wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 10:00 am We don't publicly share a roadmap, as software development is a dynamic process where priorities may shift based on user feedback, market trends, and emerging technologies. Publishing a fixed roadmap could create expectations that might not align with evolving development needs. However, we always welcome feedback and strive to keep users informed about major updates and improvements.
Based on my many years working in the communications and computer industries I can personally testify that getting software developers to commit to due dates is somewhat akin to predicting the second coming of Christ; it is something that cannot be done by the folks involved with the activity.

This is something that has plagued the software industry since its inception. There has always been a prevailing thought that software development is an art, not a science, and as such, it moves at its own pace by the person writing the code. And, to be fair, there is not doubt that someone very good at code development is very creative and that the focus that is required to keep everything in some semblance of order is dynamic and over time can become overwhelming as the program(s) grow and grow.

But, to be successful, a company must be able to deliver products withing a given time frame or customers will go elsewhere to have their needs met. The history of the mistakes Apple made in its early days cost the company more than significant market share that continues to plague their computer products to this day; and that was/is, all about software.

I was able to build my own consulting company because I was able to give my clients due dates that I always met. Was this difficult to do?

Not really. It requires and very good understanding of what can actually be accomplished within a given time frame with the resources available and being committed to get the job done; and this can mean knocking down or going thorough walls in order to achieve the goal.

I once had someone tell me that he had never encountered anyone like me; I did not let anything or anyone get in the way of getting the job done. If I could not go around an obstacle, I would knock it down or go through it and woe unto anyone who got in my way.

I find that software developers are loath to provide due dates for anything because they do not want to have to devote the time and energy to get the job done because they do not have the commitment to do whatever it takes to get things done on time. And, in many instances, they have been given a task to do that no one has a clue about what the solution is and they have to invent it; a difficult task at best. I found that getting developers involved early in the planning stages was paramount so things did not have to be rewritten because people had not asked the right/correct questions during the design process.

Software development is an art that takes skill to be done so the code is 'tight and right". Those that can do it well are compensated accordingly. But, there is no excuse for not doing the planing and having expectations for deliverables.

I have learned that you will get almost everything that you plan for done, and almost nothing done that you do not plan for.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by poet-man »

A month ago, development of a mail module for AEPIM was "in progress".

So ... a beta in sight already?
Everything I mention comes out of my experience. I'm not an expert. Feel free to try anything I suggest ... but always at your own risk.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by poet-man »

Thanks again a lot for the outstanding sharing of state of the art
Everything I mention comes out of my experience. I'm not an expert. Feel free to try anything I suggest ... but always at your own risk.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by M&M »


before a mail module is integrated, I believe the following productive functions should first be made available in EPIM for Android. Personally, I would continue to use my current email app because it is better than Windows programs in terms of functionality, productivity and data security.

Missing everyday functions in Android app:
  • Save / export / share individual entries (note, task, appointment, contact) as PDF, HTML, RTF, ICS, VCF, CSV, .... On Android, it is possible to share entries, although most apps do not take any information from EPIM or pass on a bin file that cannot be opened.
  • Import of calendars (ICS) and contact files (CSV, VCF).
  • Entry properties not available - creation date, modification date, attachments, size, tags, number per tree, list, category.
  • When creating new notes from other apps using "share", it must be possible to specify a tree for the note, just like when creating a new one from a widget.
  • Synchronize appointment participants with Windows and vice versa.
  • Set reminders for appointments and tasks by entering the date and time.
Sometimes less is more!

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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by poet-man »

Of course everybody can have his opinion of what is most important.
For me and others, it is connectivity by message, using existing data out of one package. Everything else seems to be extras coming afterwards.
So lets see what will come!
Everything I mention comes out of my experience. I'm not an expert. Feel free to try anything I suggest ... but always at your own risk.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by a8907433 »

For me EPIM (Windows) is the possibillity to have all personal data in a single, encrypted database. To my personal data I count old emails, emails I have fom the 1990ties back in a old POP3 account. I don´t want to miss them.
I know, it´s not possible on Android because of the restrictions of the system, but I would love to have a single db, which I could use without restrictions on Windows and Android and perhaps Windows ARM, which is possible now, and maybe Linux. (Apple is and will not be an option for me).
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by M&M »


in my opinion, an e-mail module will lead to instability rather than improved productivity with Android EPIM.

For me, there is also the question of what advantages an e-mail module should bring, as the individual modules are not linked under Android and the synchronization of local e-mails would cost a lot of resources and is not necessary for IMAP accounts.

On Windows, we have already seen how the upheavals of recent years (account-oriented data management, changed and duplicated display options and data management options - filters, searches ...) have led to an increasingly unstable EPIM. For me, data security and effectiveness have a much higher value than supposed innovations that are already available in EPIM but have not been fully developed in the relevant area. The developers of EPIM are unfortunately driven by user wishes and I have the impression that they have partially lost sight of their own productivity-oriented concept. New gimmicks and layouts are constantly being designed, making EPIM increasingly unstable (see forum).

In this context, I would also like to refer you to my post in the forum in the "Why you DON'T like EPIM?" section: ... 98#p137398

My priorities are:
  • Data security = application stability
  • Effectiveness = clarity
  • Productivity = no duplication of functions (= errors)
For the current state of EPIM, this means:
  • Cleaning up EPIM
  • Eliminating errors
  • Complete functions that have been started
  • No new functions for the next two years

Here's to a successful future for EPIM!

Regards M&M
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by a8907433 »

M&M, I agree with you, what security and stabillity is concerned. I also need no new features (in W-EPIM). But emails are the untegral component of my db. As you can read in the forum, people are using different modules of EPIM and they are of different importance for them. For me, mail is the most important part of EPIM and of my db.
I just think, when I think of my data in EPIM, it should be the same data, in every operating system I use.
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Re: AEPIM Development?

Post by M&M »

Hello a8907433,


There are very powerful e-mail apps for Android!

Regards M&M
M&M wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2025 11:44 am
... the individual modules are not linked under Android and the synchronization of local e-mails would cost a lot of resources ...
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